Lavender & Patchouli - A classic French Lavender floral scent blended by Glowing Positively Soy Candles, with an iconic scent of Patchouli.  You will be pleasantly surprised with this pairing - it is really nice.  The amazing floral aroma of Lavender and woodsy earthiness of Patchouli come together so nicely and work in harmony to give you a surprising new fragrance.

Lavender & Patchouli

Glowing Positively Soy Candles
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$28.00 CAD
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$28.00 CAD
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Lavender & Patchouli - A classic French Lavender floral scent blended by Glowing Positively Soy Candles, with an iconic scent of Patchouli.  You will be pleasantly surprised with this pairing - it is really nice.  The amazing floral aroma of Lavender and woodsy earthiness of Patchouli come together so nicely and work in harmony to give you a surprising new fragrance.

Scent throw: Med/strong